Jun 27, 2007

short again

I did it. I guess to be completely accurate, I had Christopher do it. My hair is short again. Not as short as it was two years ago at my seminary graduation, but much shorter than it was yesterday. It's fun! But I do have a few post-haircut regrets, just from the change. Now when I start to doubt my decision, I have to remind myself that I can't undo it, and that I've been wanting to do it for a while now. So I'm learning again what it means to have short hair. Thinking differently about how to keep it out of my face since I can't pull it into a ponytail or clip (very well). I did adjust the amount of shampoo and conditioner I used, which I was proud of myself for doing in an odd way.

Here is me with my new short haircut....


Anonymous said...

Simply gorgeous, darling! Of course, you know you're cute!

Mira and Eric said...

Your new cut looks great! Hope you are doing well.

barbmom said...

You'd be cute bald. The cute is within...and yours is always illuminating outward.
Love and shalom