Oct 13, 2008

Post-Weekend Update

We met with the doc this afternoon, and she said all the lab results came back normal.  My blood pressure was a little higher than it had been Thursday, but it was still securely in the "normal" range.  She said it was fine for me to go back to work and resume life as "normal."  We'll have weekly appointments from here on out, but were already at that point anyway.  So the good news is that there's nothing super exciting to report!

Thanks so much to everyone for food, prayers, calls, emails, and the many other ways you support us!

Oct 10, 2008

Baby Clinger update

Well, so much for my boring pregnancy.  Up until now there hasn't really been anything to report, but here's the latest.

Yesterday morning I had a regular appointment with my doctor, and everything was fine.  I went to Lawrence to work as planned.  I felt some tingles in my foot, so checked with a family friend who is a doctor.  She had me come in and ran some tests, and talked with my doctor's office.  They want me on bed rest for the weekend.  Tonight I'll go to the lab here in Olathe where they'll run a few more tests, and we'll get the results on Monday afternoon when I have an appointment with my doctor's practice partner.  They're checking for pre-eclampsia, which is related to blood pressure.  Mine has always been fine, but the doctor in Lawrence saw a couple other indicators that could be precursors to pre-eclampsia.

What happens next depends on the results from the lab work.  The good news in all this is that we're less than a month away from the due date, so if they decide to deliver, the baby would be early but probably not dangerously so.  Jeff's trip to Arkansas next week is up in the air, and he's cleared his schedule of pretty much everything, so we're hanging out together.  We'll get some movies and probably pull out some of our board games.  We're hoping the doctors are just being cautious, but we're also trying to get prepared for the possibility of an early delivery.  We'll update at www.theclingerfamily.com.  Your prayers and support are, of course, appreciated.

Oct 6, 2008

Baby's Footprint

In my blog reading today, this post from gDiapers caught my attention.  We considered using gDiapers as an alternative to disposables, but now are thinking we'll go with cloth.  In any case, it really got me to thinking about the global impact on resources that just one child has, and what my global impact has been and will be.  The references to other countries were telling as well.  If you're interested, you can calculate your carbon footprint here.  Really, there are lots of places you can do that.  The sobering thing for me was to see how many earths it would take to sustain humanity if everyone lived like me.  And it is interesting to see, but I don't think it means anything unless we do something to make our footprint smaller.  We're trying, at least.