Apr 18, 2007


The first of the next generation of my extended family arrived yesterday. My cousin, Kellie, gave birth to a baby girl, Maisie Ann. My uncle sent pictures, and they both look great! I'm looking forward to going over to Tinley this weekend to see them, if they're ready for visitors. (This means I'm horribly behind on the blanket I was working on for her, but don't tell her, because it's a secret.)

It's interesting to me. I've recently become very interested in the whole pregnancy-birth process. I just really don't understand how we come to be. And I also don't see how people can not believe in God or a higher power when looking at the miracle of life. Even as I look at my window at the grass that seems to have suddenly gone from brown to green, life is all around us. I can't believe it all came to be spontaneously. I just can't.

Sometimes I have a hard time really seeing God working in my life, especially as I'm looking at the present. But as I look at my life up to this point in retrospect, I can see so many ways that God has set my way for me. I'm not one to say God actively shapes my life, but that God knows me so intimately well that he already knows the decisions I will make. It's sort of a pre-destined free will, if that makes any sense. Some might argue it doesn't, but it definitely shows my Presbyterian upbringing coming out.

It is completely amazing to me that the God who made the universe in its vastness made even the gnat and all of intricacies of our ecosystem, and made sure that all of the different systems in our body to do the jobs they do that keep up moving and functioning in this world.

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