Feb 19, 2007

Youth Sunday

Yesterday was Youth Sunday at Ridge Church. The youth read scripture, led prayers and music, and preached. They did a great job! Of course, nerves were an issue, but that's to be expected. I was a nervous wreck because I played piano for a violin duet, and I think that was the first time I have ever accompanied instruments. Plus, the whole youth group sang a song for Offering at all three services. For all of the struggling I've done to get youth at choir and bell rehearsals, it was really neat to have so many voices!

Again tonight I will be stepping out of my comfort zone to lead at Dalit tonight. We'll be watching a Nooma video from Rob Bell, pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Michigan. They're short videos, each on a different topic. This week is the fourth time we have used them for Dalit. Tonight I plan on giving us enough time to get out of our back room at Rodney's and play pool, GoldenTee, darts, or whatever.

I don't really like leading discussions. I feel like, if I had wanted to do that, I would have been a teacher or pastor, or something other than a musician. I like using other people's words--it's less work and less intimidating. Maybe it's lazy, too, but whatever, it works for me.

On an unrelated note, my weatherbug says its 39.7 degrees outside! That's warmer than it's been here in forever! I hope some of this snow melts.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Hey Heather! I was excited to get your blog site. It's fun to read what's been going on with you and Jeff. I love the picture of you and Jeff. Carbs-Schmarbs--you look great!! I'll talk to you later.
