Feb 13, 2007

Back in the saddle

Well, here I go again. I think this is officially the fourth time I have established a website in my lifetime for getting my thoughts out to the world. Yep, it's the fourth.

Right now it's snowing outside. Isn't it interesting how we have insulated ourselves from the elements? I'm so thankful for the walls, windows, and roof that is currently keeping me from becoming a part of the snow drifts outside my window. Makes me think about people who aren't so lucky. But I don't always think about them during the nice weather, just when it's convenient for me. On the news I heard this morning about all of the accidents and slow-going on Chicago-land roadways, but not so much about the people trying to find shelter. Admittedly, there has been some coverage since it has been so blasted cold recently, but what action happens when the news station interviews a shelter worker? Are people coaxed into action? I'm inclined to think no. We hunker down and think "I'm so glad I don't have to worry about that."

Which brings me randomly to another question: why do we build cities in places where the weather gets to crappy? Not that it's perfect anywhere, but seriously, why build where snow, volcanoes, whatever other weather-ness can bring life to a halt, literally and figuratively? Is there anywhere with really perfect conditions? I don't know. Weather fascinates me. If I could stomach it, I would love to be a storm tracker, but really thunderstorms, and tornadoes freak me out waaay too much to be actively putting myself in their paths.

Welcome to my blog, my corner of the www. :-)

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