Yesterday was Youth Sunday at Ridge Church. The youth read scripture, led prayers and music, and preached. They did a great job! Of course, nerves were an issue, but that's to be expected. I was a nervous wreck because I played piano for a violin duet, and I think that was the first time I have ever accompanied instruments. Plus, the whole youth group sang a song for Offering at all three services. For all of the struggling I've done to get youth at choir and bell rehearsals, it was really neat to have so many voices!
Again tonight I will be stepping out of my comfort zone to lead at Dalit tonight. We'll be watching a Nooma video from Rob Bell, pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Michigan. They're short videos, each on a different topic. This week is the fourth time we have used them for Dalit. Tonight I plan on giving us enough time to get out of our back room at Rodney's and play pool, GoldenTee, darts, or whatever.
I don't really like leading discussions. I feel like, if I had wanted to do that, I would have been a teacher or pastor, or something other than a musician. I like using other people's words--it's less work and less intimidating. Maybe it's lazy, too, but whatever, it works for me.
On an unrelated note, my weatherbug says its 39.7 degrees outside! That's warmer than it's been here in forever! I hope some of this snow melts.
Feb 19, 2007
Feb 14, 2007
Snow Day
Today was a snow day for Highland (our town), Munster (where we work), and pretty much everywhere else. Word from folks who have spent lots of years in Da Region is that Highland and Munster never close, so this was a monumental day. Yesterday we got a lot of snow, possibly the most snow I've ever seen in one day. This was our street this morning when we walked the dog.....

Not plowed yet because all the other more major roads were worse. And this is the pile of snow moved from between rows of garages.....

Between our house and garage is a small patio, about 12' square or so (I'm bad at guessing distances). Anyway, when we walked the dog this morning we had to go out the front door because there was so much snow piled against our back door that we couldn't open it. The next picture is from the garage looking into the patio, (not really a drift here) and then our grill, which lives on the patio....

For some people, that might not be a lot of snow, but it is for this city-girl from Kansas.
The great thing about it being a snow day was that today is also Jeff's birthday! So we got to be at home for his birthday together! We did some work, ate lunch, then I dropped him off at Border's while I went to the grocery store for a top-secret surprise. I made him a flourless chocolate cake since we're watching sugar and carbs. He was on to me a little bit, but he started doubting toward the end! It's pretty hard to surprise your loved one with a chocolate cake when he's in the house as you're baking it. But he stayed out of eye range and was surprised after all! We had a lovely dinner of rosemary salmon and green beans, with the cake for dessert. I'm so excited about being able to use the internet for low-carb or carb-free recipes! It was such a great day, and the end is great, too, cuz the Jayhawks are playing the Buffalos right now!
Happy Valentine's Day! I'm sure all the snow ruined some people's plans for Valentine's Day whether they were stuck at an airport or whatever, but I have to say that I loved it!!
Not plowed yet because all the other more major roads were worse. And this is the pile of snow moved from between rows of garages.....
Between our house and garage is a small patio, about 12' square or so (I'm bad at guessing distances). Anyway, when we walked the dog this morning we had to go out the front door because there was so much snow piled against our back door that we couldn't open it. The next picture is from the garage looking into the patio, (not really a drift here) and then our grill, which lives on the patio....
For some people, that might not be a lot of snow, but it is for this city-girl from Kansas.
The great thing about it being a snow day was that today is also Jeff's birthday! So we got to be at home for his birthday together! We did some work, ate lunch, then I dropped him off at Border's while I went to the grocery store for a top-secret surprise. I made him a flourless chocolate cake since we're watching sugar and carbs. He was on to me a little bit, but he started doubting toward the end! It's pretty hard to surprise your loved one with a chocolate cake when he's in the house as you're baking it. But he stayed out of eye range and was surprised after all! We had a lovely dinner of rosemary salmon and green beans, with the cake for dessert. I'm so excited about being able to use the internet for low-carb or carb-free recipes! It was such a great day, and the end is great, too, cuz the Jayhawks are playing the Buffalos right now!
Happy Valentine's Day! I'm sure all the snow ruined some people's plans for Valentine's Day whether they were stuck at an airport or whatever, but I have to say that I loved it!!
Feb 13, 2007
Back in the saddle
Well, here I go again. I think this is officially the fourth time I have established a website in my lifetime for getting my thoughts out to the world. Yep, it's the fourth.
Right now it's snowing outside. Isn't it interesting how we have insulated ourselves from the elements? I'm so thankful for the walls, windows, and roof that is currently keeping me from becoming a part of the snow drifts outside my window. Makes me think about people who aren't so lucky. But I don't always think about them during the nice weather, just when it's convenient for me. On the news I heard this morning about all of the accidents and slow-going on Chicago-land roadways, but not so much about the people trying to find shelter. Admittedly, there has been some coverage since it has been so blasted cold recently, but what action happens when the news station interviews a shelter worker? Are people coaxed into action? I'm inclined to think no. We hunker down and think "I'm so glad I don't have to worry about that."
Which brings me randomly to another question: why do we build cities in places where the weather gets to crappy? Not that it's perfect anywhere, but seriously, why build where snow, volcanoes, whatever other weather-ness can bring life to a halt, literally and figuratively? Is there anywhere with really perfect conditions? I don't know. Weather fascinates me. If I could stomach it, I would love to be a storm tracker, but really thunderstorms, and tornadoes freak me out waaay too much to be actively putting myself in their paths.
Welcome to my blog, my corner of the www. :-)
Right now it's snowing outside. Isn't it interesting how we have insulated ourselves from the elements? I'm so thankful for the walls, windows, and roof that is currently keeping me from becoming a part of the snow drifts outside my window. Makes me think about people who aren't so lucky. But I don't always think about them during the nice weather, just when it's convenient for me. On the news I heard this morning about all of the accidents and slow-going on Chicago-land roadways, but not so much about the people trying to find shelter. Admittedly, there has been some coverage since it has been so blasted cold recently, but what action happens when the news station interviews a shelter worker? Are people coaxed into action? I'm inclined to think no. We hunker down and think "I'm so glad I don't have to worry about that."
Which brings me randomly to another question: why do we build cities in places where the weather gets to crappy? Not that it's perfect anywhere, but seriously, why build where snow, volcanoes, whatever other weather-ness can bring life to a halt, literally and figuratively? Is there anywhere with really perfect conditions? I don't know. Weather fascinates me. If I could stomach it, I would love to be a storm tracker, but really thunderstorms, and tornadoes freak me out waaay too much to be actively putting myself in their paths.
Welcome to my blog, my corner of the www. :-)
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