Feb 14, 2008

"There's no place like home..."

...except maybe northwest Indiana.

Jeff and I made the decision that it is time to head back to Kansas, and we will be doing so at the end of June, at the changing of the appointment year. In various ways over the past days and weeks we have let the members and staff at Ridge Church know our intentions. It hasn't been easy, and people have reacted in their own ways. Some people are happy for us, some people are sad, and some people are mad. Probably lots are some combination of the three.

It was a difficult decision for us to make. We knew it would hurt and that people would be hurt, but we know that it is time for us to be closer to our families. We are so thankful for the time we've had in Indiana, at Whiting and Ridge, and especially thankful for the people who we've come to know and love these past years. As a favorite song of mine says, "This is not an ending, it's just a bend in the road."

In the meantime, there is a lot of ministry to look forward to in months to come!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Congratulations, Heather! I know that's a hard decision to make. I'll be praying for you both and your new appointment over the upcoming months. I know God's got something special planned for both of you!
