Jun 27, 2007

short again

I did it. I guess to be completely accurate, I had Christopher do it. My hair is short again. Not as short as it was two years ago at my seminary graduation, but much shorter than it was yesterday. It's fun! But I do have a few post-haircut regrets, just from the change. Now when I start to doubt my decision, I have to remind myself that I can't undo it, and that I've been wanting to do it for a while now. So I'm learning again what it means to have short hair. Thinking differently about how to keep it out of my face since I can't pull it into a ponytail or clip (very well). I did adjust the amount of shampoo and conditioner I used, which I was proud of myself for doing in an odd way.

Here is me with my new short haircut....

Jun 21, 2007

Reinvigorating Singing

I seem to blog in spurts. Oh well. Here I go again.

I recently purchased and watched a dvd by Paul Baloche, who wrote the song "Open the Eyes of My Heart." It is an instructional workshop on worship vocals. They covered everything from microphone use and selection to blending, harmony, style, and warm-ups. The warm-up they recommended is the same one I use with my kids choir! It's fun. Anyway, I digress. It is fabulously done and I intend to share it with each of the vocalists in our worship band. I am also thinking alternatively of having a "showing" at my house for our vocalists along with popcorn and drinks.

After watching it, I also purchased the worship band workshop dvd. I plan on sharing this with the instrumentalists in the band.

I hope that watching these workshops will help to help us take the band to the next level in a way that I by myself cannot explain, incorporating ideas from everyone in the band.

Jun 12, 2007

I'm so proud of her!

This weekend I had the privilege to return to Kansas to watch and participate in my mom's ordination. This is the capstone to an 8-year adventure for her through seminary and the long, drawn out UMC ordination process.

I flew out Friday morning and stayed through Saturday evening. Got to watch her do her techie thing at annual conference, share just "us" time (which we don't get a lot of), and reconnect with some extended family at the ceremony and reception afterwards. Going home is fun, but the short trips like this make me wish we were closer. ah well....

Jun 4, 2007

North Indiana UMC Annual Conference

Long time, no post. I wouldn't say I've been too busy, but I just haven't really found anything to blog about.

I spent last week at North Indiana Annual Conference, the annual gathering of 1,000 United Methodist clergy and laity (the people in the pews) in the north half of Indiana. I was a candidate for representing the Conference at General Conference (once every 4 years the global UMC gathers) or Jurisdictional Conference (a gathering of north central US UMCs every 4 years, in the summer after General Conference). There was 1 young adult clergy and 1 lay youth elected to fill two of the 22 slots (10 clergy with 2 alternates, 10 laity with 2 alternates). Don't get me wrong, that's good, but it doesn't say much for raising up leaders from youth and young adults within north Indiana. There were also decisions passed and conversations about youth and youth adult ministries at Annual Conference that leave me feeling the neglect of my generation by the conference.

I'm not really one to talk about God "tugging on my heart strings." But if I were, I would think that was happening this week. I did a lot of complaining last week. It got to the point where I was asking myself why I continue to go to Annual Conference if I apparently don't like going. And I came to the conclusion that I want to be a part of the leadership of the conference, and I want to see the best of the conference. I want to see the ministry of the Young Adult council thrive, but I honestly don't see myself leading that. (I know, I know, every pastor and leader's nightmare--someone else who has ideas but doesn't want to carry them out.) But it's not that I don't want to carry them out, it's that I don't see my gifts in that area. I want to see the ministry thrive, so I'll be a part of the ministry, but I think others would be better at leading it. A cop out?....maybe, but that's where I am. So, I need to spend some time discerning how I want to get involved to a deeper level. Some prayers for that would be fantastic.