Jul 14, 2008

Back in Kansas

This is my first blog entry living in Kansas.  We are in the process of getting things unpacked.  It was almost exactly a week ago this moment that the movers finished unloading all of our stuff...crazy.  

We had a mishap with the pantry door, and it is currently leaning up against the kitchen wall.  The short story is that it self-locked and we couldn't get it unlocked, so we tried taking it off the hinges (didn't work), breaking a couple of the slats to open it from the inside (still locked), and finally Jeff beat the heck out of the handle until it fell off and he could turn the mechanism with a pair of pliers.

Jeff started work on the first and hit the ground running.  I've been getting us unpacked and doing the "to-dos" in the meantime.  I start work tomorrow.  I will be leading the contemporary worship service at the West Campus for Lawrence 1st UMC, the church where Jeff and I met and were married.

Baby Clinger is doing well.  We're on our second doctor since leaving Indiana.  Back in April or May, I had set up an appointment with a doctor is the KC area for June 30.  When he walked in for the appointment, he told us he stopped doing OB on June 12th.  But his office was great--he recommended and had his office get us an appointment later that week with another doctor, whose office is actually closer to our house.  We were really bummed, because we had had a great experience at his office.  When we went to the next appointment, we went in thinking they had a lot to live up to, and they did!  The nurse, doctor, and office staff were great!  Yay!  

I have heard that some people would like to see "baby bump" pics.  Here's the story:  So far I have not intentionally taken any belly pics.  Really, there's no other time when anyone else wants to see the evolution of someone's belly, and we all know that my belly will keep getting bigger.  So you might get to see pictures of me that include my belly, but I'm not going to stand in the same pose month after month so you can see how big I'm getting.  Sorry.  However, here is a recent picture that shows the "bump."


Anonymous said...

Great to hear a Clinger update and good to hear all is going well except for the pantry door.
I won't bug you about belly shots but I will keep on you to post more often than in the past.
Still keeping the three of you in prayer.
I know Jeff has been busy and hopefully will find time to post something soon.

Cheri & Pat

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather,
Enjoyed you blog today. Don't care about the "bump" pictures, just glad to hear you're doing well. Sounds like Jeff took all his frustrations about moving and unpacking out on the pantry door - good place to do so! Unfortunately, it now means it needs to be fixed. When we moved in here, I rapidly stripped ugly wallpaper off a wall only to find out the condition of the wall was probably why the paper was there in the first place. Repairs are costly, as I quickly learned. Glad to hear you're getting things unpacked and handled. I'm sure Jeff is very busy at work so most of the mess falls to you. Wish we could be there to help. Love to both of you.........Diane