Oct 16, 2007


It seems I have done it again. Somehow I get on these dry spells of blogging. It's not that I haven't had anything to blog about...workshops in Kansas City and ideas from that, the Clinger 5k, Christmas in September (what!?!), Chicago Marathon, blah blah blah. I just haven't found a good way to share about it all.

So I'm thinking today about fall. It very much looks like fall outside my window, but it didn't so much feel like fall when I left the house this morning. It looks like I should wear pants and a light sweater, but it feels like I should wear capris and a short-sleeved shirt. So today I wear what feels right.

When Jeff and I ran yesterday, I saw a tree right across the street from our house that has turned a beautiful shade of dark dark red. It was the first time I had seen the tree, not because it changed all of a sudden, but because we have had our blinds closed to the gray of outside. Many times at work, I find myself gazing out the window, and have noticed the brown, orange, and yellow leaves on the ground all of a sudden this week.

It's almost as if fall is playing hide and seek, showing some glimpses of itself every now and then, and quickly ducking back behind summer. It makes me think about how we need those times in our lives of transition, when we are aware that things are changing, but we can't yet see the change or what is to come. It's not quite the heat of summer, and it is not yet the cold of winter. May you find comfort in the midst of your changing season, however you find yourself.

1 comment:

Sara said...


This was beautiful! Thank you for writing it.

I'm jealous you're already seeing fall. I'm not sure we will. A big ice storm last winter destroyed most of the trees, so I'm not sure they'll be very colorful.